#1399 square heavy glass perfume atomizer bottle
100tos#1399 Bottle clear glass Perfume/Scent with Atomizer(bulb missing & bagget falling apart), unmarked, 2-1/2"oah x 1-1/8" square..this is French. Pink cloth falling apart crocheted bag would have covered very small rubber bulb directly screwed onto one end of Gold plate (or brass) metal cylinder soldered across metal screw-on bottle top and the opposite atomizing orifice has a screw-on end cap w/chain retainer. This very small scent atomizer would be filled by the lady (or the perfume counter clerk) & carried in the purse (which explains the screw-on end cap).
100tos1399 - heavy glass perfume atomizer bottle, bag broken, not signed, ID needed. Actual weight 2.6 oz.
Heavy Square Glass Perfume w/AtomizerPrice: $525.00 + USA shipping & Insurance - get shipping quote send Zipcode please.
We accept Cash, Money Orders of Credit cards through PayPal.
Quote: 100tonsofstuff@gmail.com