Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in Estate of Richelle's Antiques which was located in New Market, Harrisonburg, Newport News, & Williamsburg, VA. at various times starting in 1953 to closing 1980. (See About US) This is ONE estate, we do not buy any antiques nor do we appraise your antiques. If you have any questions about an item on our website, please use this email
OR you may send us a Text to our Cell: 804-258-3103
We are online daily except Sunday and can get back to you usually the same day.
We have many items that have not been posted to this website yet. If you are looking for something in particular, we may have it. If we do not, we will let you know and forward your query to a large local antique mall.
We maintain a Links page called Antiques Resources for collectors and seekers.
We answer our phone, text, & emails: Monday thru Saturday 10:30 am to 7 pm / ONLINE 24-7
We do not respond on Sunday.
We value our customers and consider them as family since all of our items belonged to my parents or to us. Sometimes our buyers tell us wonderful heartwarming stories about why they are buying an item and we appreciate every one.
You may or use - remember we do not buy anything.
or Text US at: 804-258-3103 cell phone
Blessings, D. A. Jones - Owner -
100 Tons Of Stuff To Sell Estate of Richelle's Antiques
P. O. Box 1718, Mechanicsville, VA 23116
(Mechanivsville is a city in Hanover County, VA.)

We would like to hear from you. Please let us know what you are interested in so we can help with any item on this site.
Thank you for your input. DAJ-100tonsofstuff Query on our inventory, shipping, etc. Query on adding your antiques research/related link to our site page.