About Us: 100tonsofstuff
Log Cabin antiques shop in New Market VA
My parents had a gift shop in New Market VA at a motel they owned then moved it to town. It had previously been an antique shop, so most everyone who came in wanted to buy antiques. After careful consideration, they started buying and selling antiques. They combined their Gift shop items, started in 1952 inside a local motel (now called the Battlefield Motel which they owned and lived in) which was then called The Virginia Motel. As a child, I enjoyed playing in the fields next to and behind the motel which had a large Civil War stone and bronze marker nearby and cows grazing in the field behind. History was not on my list - I was too young then.
Eventually they sold the motel and moved to Harrisonburg, VA where they opened their antique shop inside their home. My father was employed as a pharmacist with Peoples Drug Store in town so my mother ran the shop and I went to school. We lived next door to a funeral home on Liberty Avenue, a very nice normal street.

And after Liberty Ave, there was 1641 South Main - a very large lime-stone house that allowed us to have a shop downstairs and still have room to live downstairs and upstairs.

Our next home/shop: 1641 S. Main St. Harrisonburg, VA. At that time it was on the outskirts of town. I went to the county school, a tall old building with grades 1 - 7, wood floors & a concrete basement for recess. Then we moved again to a lovely - again limestone - two-story on Port Republic Rd. where we lived and again had our antique shop. Time passed and roads need to be widened and the wonderful house on Port Republic was torn down. Finally, my parents purchased a home in the city on Newman Ave. where I could walk to HHS and Madison College. I moved to Newport News, VA & my parents followed moving to Hilton Village where they had their shop & then in other spots finally ending up with the shop in Williamsburg, VA which we packed up in 1980 when my parents passed away. So antiques have been my education a long time.
So now you know where all these estate antiques come from. We packed them up and put them in storage for awhile, then began doing research.
We hope you find "your treasure" with us - Antiques are "green" (wonderful recycled items).