#0286 Tin Ridem Cowboy toy
WYAN 6.5hx6.25Lx2.5w TOY WINDUP."RED RANGER RIDEM COWBOY"1930's.Wyandotte
Weight:.w6oz Size:6.5hx6.25Lx2.5w
#0286. Small rocking horse w/cowboy, made of tin, had a little platform base and spring load (spring wind) [powered rod up thru base] to make horse rock back & forth. Name printed [on base] in a small circle underneath the horse, part of which has been rusted away, remaining letters are “..yandotte” with another “y” or “’” mark to distinguish between words, and section reads “made in ...SA”. Rusted up pretty badly. One side [of base] says “Ride em Cowboy” and some letters of 2 words in the left hand corner of the rocking part are still readable, it might be “....ranger” “(Lone)? Ranger. The “nger” is clearly distinguishable and there is a picture of a fella in a 10 gallon hat wearing a red bandana. About 6”l x 6”h x2”th. and it is pretty much beat up.
Further: "Ride em Cowboy", WYAN= "WYANDOTTE TOY MFG CO USA"
I have seen this toy fully restored so am sure this one can be restored. You decide.
Price $32.50 plus USA actual shipping
Inqquire with your zipcode please: 100tonsofstuff@gmail.com